Adam's Industries Sentinal Omni 7 (blem)

Sale Price:$3,999.99 Original Price:$4,299.99

Ever wanted an anvis AND dovetail mounted duals, that's lightweight,  tons of adjustments, and at a really solid price?

Adam's industries sentinels are still very modern, run off a battery, instead of being dependent on an ANVIS pack, all plastic, so lighter than RNVGs, use standard PVS14 components, includes the original dovetail mount, so it can be user on standard mounts,  just TONS of adaptability here. 

Tubes are blemished fixed gain 11769 ITT Omni 7 tubes,  might be able to black box them cleaner, ANVIS style ocular lenses,  very good performance,  at a good price. Check out the photos, these will serve you really well!

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